The Bookcase

bookcaseThe Club’s Charity Bookcase started by accident about 9 years ago when we had a jumble sale to raise some money for the TCCC charity of the day and a pile of books were left near the water point. Then more books appeared, some disappeared and there was money, “Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice.

So a Club Member put up an old bookcase using a few bricks and made a money box for the wall and our charity bookstall was born.

Used by club members, passing boaters, walkers and local people alike the stall helps to recycle books and raise money for the Club’s chosen charity of the year.

So, if you are travelling through or just visiting Thrupp, why not pause at the water point and have a browse through the books. Help yourself to anything that takes our fancy and leave a small donation… and help us to keep the bookcase well stocked by donating the fiction and non-fiction that you have already read and would like to pass on.